Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Reminders and Big Memories

I just looked at Dad's roll sheet and saw his Countdown to Retirement count and it is at 60. Wow! Today I am subbing for my Dad and his kids are doing independent work (thank goodness because I know nothing about drafting!) so I have been deleting email from my account. I had over 900 and have gotten it down to the 500 range. While going through them I have been reminded of the kinds words spoken by our friends during Mom's fight and since. You will never now how much your friendship, phone calls, cards, e-mails, facebook comments and prayers have meant to my family over the past 19 months. Nineteen months that were not what we expected. How much your love and care and hugs have meant. Somedays it is what gets us through the day. Thank you. We will never be able to thank you enough. You all are wonderful people.

Today at lunch I had an ice cream sandwich. For most people that isn't anything life shattering or anything but for me it brought back memories of my Mom. You see for one week while I was staying with her, that was about all I could get her to eat. I would go down to the cafeteria in the afternoon and would get either a regular ice cream sandwich or the cookies and cream kind and we would share it. Which meant that she would take a bite or two or three if I was lucky and then I would have the rest of it. It really made me miss my Mom (as if I needed anything else to help with that) and wish that I could get a hug from her. I need a hug and to hear her encouraging words. She could always make you believe that you could do no matter what it was that you set your mind to. She was just wonderful like that, don't you think?