Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sometimes Life is Just Full of Randoms

I am still not sure what to do with this blog.  It still hurts so much to think about life before this blog began.  It is hard to believe that we are quickly approaching year four of life before leukemia.  There are days during Mom's illness that I can still see with such clarity and then other things that I have a hard time remembering.  One example is that I can remember one of the days Rebecca and I happened to be with Mom at MD Anderson for one of her appointments and Mom got sick so B had to go buy her a tshirt so we could get her cleaned up.  I see that so clearly but then I can hardly remember her funeral service.  I just think it is strange the things the mind remembers so clearly.
Our family is trucking on.  Dad still misses Mom so very much.  He is still scattered for lack of a better word.  Maybe a better word would be unsettled.  I hope to help him get finished going to stuff that Mom had packed for their foundation repair and get the house completely back to "normal".  I still need quilts for two of the beds!
The kids are growing like crazy.  Getting ready to finish up their freshman year and their  6th grade year.  T made the summer baseball team (he and Memom used to play baseball all the time!) and M just finished up or will be finishing up another season of softball and will be starting all stars.
Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I started this and I really don't know where I was headed with this.  So. . . . . .there ya go.