Sunday, September 5, 2010

Not Much

Not much is going on around here besides the everyday things of life. Dad and my hubby have to work tomorrow. So far I am off (no sub jobs), Rae is off and the Metroplex part of the family is off. The weather is still pretty warm and we still haven't gotten any rain. We are supposed to have a very high chance for rain this week so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Today we headed to the Hill to celebrate G-mom W's 86th birthday. We had a nice day but as with all of the family celebrations we have had, it just isn't the same. My grandmother's brother sang and dedicated a song to G-mom and Papaw and to Mom and Dad. I couldn't even pay attention to the words of the song.
Anyway, just wanted to share this picture. I took it at the Johnson's farm where we celebrated the short people's birthdays. We were out fishing at sunset.


Anonymous said...

You know you won't be able to call them short people much longer. Enjoy.

Love you,
Aunt D