Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Does This Road Lead?

Well, as you can see I haven't had just a whole lot to write about lately. Life is just trudging on. For some life goes on as it always has but for us life goes on but in such a different way. Oh sure, we are dealing with the heat as always, complaining about the lack of rain, getting ready for school to start but as much as some things are the same so much isn't. Dad is doing ok, he has been able to spend some time with his grandkids. T stayed with him at the end of July for four days. They had a good time swimming, fishing and just hanging out. M stayed with him for about the same amount of time and spent time swimming and hanging out. I hope they realize how much it meant for Dad to get to have this special time with them. Dad has tried to keep himself busy this summer by getting things done around the farm. Of course things go so much slower when you are doing them by yourself and I think that this keeps him frustrated. Well, this along with the fact that it seems that if something can go wrong it will go wrong when trying to get something accomplished. For example, this week he has had to deal with four flat tires. Two on the tractor and two on the farm truck. Flat tires make it difficult to get things done of course and is time consuming and is very frustrating. He starts school tomorrow, not sure how excited he is about that!
Rae has already been back to school for almost two weeks. Now is one of two times during the year that we rarely get to see her. This weekend she will start traveling for tournaments and will do so for the next three weeks (I think that is what she said!). She got to take a peek at her rolls yesterday and her classes are ridiculously big again this year. Her smallest class is 24 and her largest is 30. Her room is small so I am not sure where she is going to put everyone. She is going to be so busy. She is sooo good at her job and I know that she will make it work.

Bec is getting her babies ready to head back to school. I know that she has been back to school clothes shopping with the boy this week and. . . . .well, we all know how much boys enjoy shopping, especially for clothes. The girl has been with the other g-parents this week traveling to the panhandle to see the musical TEXAS (and yes, I am a little jealous of her!!). So I am sure that she will be tortured, I mean she will love to go back to school shopping. They are growing up so fast. It is hard to believe that they are going to be in 4th and 7th grade. I am so happy that they still love to give kisses and hugs and hang out with their old aunt!

Me, well I am just trudging through day by day. Some days are easier than others and some days it is all I can do to get out of bed. I am looking forward to getting on some kind of schedule. Yesterday I worked at my Dad's school helping with registration. It was nice to see some of the kids I know from last year. I hope to get a lot of sub jobs this year.

Well, that is all for now. I hope you are all having a nice summer. I have to admit that I am ready for fall weather. It is so hot and we need rain so bad. I am thankful for the 2/10 of an inch we got yesterday.