Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday ~ Day 39

Not much to report today. Mom received blood today in hopes that it would give her some more pep. Last time I talked to Dad she was still pretty pepless but hopefully tomorrow will be better. She had some very special friends visit today. James and JoAnn were able to stop by. We have been friends with them for as long as I can remember. I am really glad that they were able to visit. Dad told me when I called that they had just gotten on the blog so dad could read it to her so your comments are being heard.

It is hard to believe that 39 days ago we got the news that we would be heading to MDA. In some ways it seems like it all happened yesterday and in others, it seems like we have been fighting this for years. I can only imagine how it feels to Mom and Dad. I know that we will survive this journey because we have an awesome God who is leading us through the storm. Please say a prayer for all of those who are fighting for their lives and for those who don't believe that there is a God, that they may see his awesome power.

Hope you are having a good weekend.