Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend Update

Mom has had a great weekend. I think being home (well closer to home) has really helped her. Yesterday we took her our for Double Dave's pizza rolls, shopping for some shoes and then out for ice cream. She seemed to enjoy being out. This morning she and Dad went to church services. She looked really good.
They leave for MDA tomorrow and hopefully they will be able to get her a room then so they can get round two started. The treatments should last 4-6 days and then hopefully be able to come home within a few days. The doctor has said that this round shouldn't make her as sick as the first. Treatments 1,3,5 & 7 are the ones with the "red devil" and 2,4,6 & 8 will be a different treatment.
This is her new do! Doesn't she look great? Hope you are all doing well and hope you have a great week.