Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 77

Well, we have gotten the physical part of Mom's recovery on track. Her white blood count was over 8.0. She got magnesium or potassium (I can't remember which one). I wish that I could say that all is great and that she is well on the road to recovery but I can't. Yesterday was not a good day, she told B that she didn't want to try anymore. I had hoped that she was just tired from the day before and that today would be different. Unfortunately it wasn't and it hasn't been. Today she saw several different doctors, had a spinal tap and an EEG to see if they could figure out why she has stopped talking. The full results won't be available until next week. They have put her on an anti convulsion medication to see if it would help. I am so sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense but my brain doesn't work well when I am so worried. Please just keep Mom and Dad in your prayers. Also the doctors that they may find out what the problem is and get Mom back to her normal self. We are so blessed to have such loving, caring friends to help us through this journey. Hopefully as I get more information, I will be able to better explain all that is going on.