Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 3

We woke up this morning to the nurse telling us that the transport people were there to take us to dialysis and they were ready to leave. Well the blood bank picked that moment to send the platelets that she needed to get before she had dialysis. So, the nurse got the platelets started and then we all headed down to ICU for dialysis (nurse included). They started the dialysis around 9 am and we finished up sometime after 1 pm. During that time, Mom slept and I watched The Game Plan and The Young and the Restless, finished a book and started another one. The room we were in was cold. We finally got back to the room after 2 pm and got Mom some lunch ordered. The rest of the afternoon we just snoozed (Mom mainly) and watched tv. I am still surprised every week how drained I am from doing absolutely nothing. And to top it off today, I have had a headache and have been kind of crabby. Anyway, tomorrow looks like it will be busy but we will see.

Hope you all are having a good week.