Monday, July 13, 2009

Good News

Today Mom went to MD Anderson for more testing and more information. The doctors have changed their thoughts on what strain of leukemia she has. They are now leaning towards Lymphoidal Leukemia which has a higher chance of remission and a shorter initial treatment. She will be admitted on Wednesday and at some point on Wednesday, we will get confirmation. Tomorrow she doesn't have to be at the hospital so hopefully she and Dad will rest. They are staying with my Aunt K's (who passed away in May) sister.

Her tests today showed that the oral chemo has already started doing what they wanted it to do, her platelets had stayed level and the red blood count was up. She sounded more upbeat when I got to talk to her this afternoon. I pray that God continues to answer everyone's prayers.

That's it for now. Have a great night.


kelly nash finch said...

I am glad to hear the news is better. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Kelly Nash Finch

Mrs. H. said...

Very thankful to hear this news! How nice that your parents are able to stay with family right now.
Love you! :-)