Sunday, July 19, 2009

Okay, Mom started the doxorubicin aka red devil last night around 12:30. This morning when she got up and she got real shakey and nauseated but once she sat back down and ate she has been feeling better. There is talk that she is going to be discharged tomorrow so we shall see what happens. Dad is at his second class on how to keep the picc line clean and he has to take a test over it tomorrow... oh what pressure!! We have been so blessed that Mom has not been terribly sick while on all this stuff. The staff here have all been so nice and friendly and it really helps us feel comfortable. God bless!

Oh I also forgot to add that we found out yesterday that they found no leukemic cells in her spinal fluid!! Another blessing from God!


I spoke with my Dad this afternoon to check on Mom and she was sleeping. She finally ate 1/2 of a smoothy. She may be discharged tomorrow but will have either a bone marrow aspiration on Tuesday or another spinal tap chemo treatment on Wednesday. Becca and Rae took a road trip to the beach this evening but Becca may have another update later. Mom has had some company besides her husband and kids and son-in-law. . .my dad's sister, her daughter and my friend Amy have been by to see her. I have to say, we have got incredible family and friends because they are surrounded Mom in prayer and are available for us if we need them! Thanks everyone. We love you all.
Hope the next update is that Mom is out and will be home later in the week. Stay tuned to find out!! ~Giggles