Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do you do when nothing tastes good?

Well, today was better than yesterday. She felt a little better but she still isn't eating much. Nothing tastes good to her. She has completely kicked her diet coke habit! We tried several different things today but nothing really worked. I got some rice and mashed potatoes so maybe they will taste good. She does eat a Gobstopper or two (small jawbreakers)! She even facebooked a little this evening. She and Dad are getting ready for bed because they have to be at the hospital at 7. She will have bloodwork, an echo cardiogram and the dreaded bone marrow thing.
I am leaving in the morning but Rae will be here in the afternoon. The Mr. and I will be back on Saturday to spend some time with them and to have church services if Mom isn't up to going.