Friday, July 17, 2009

Okay, it's Becca here. I am sitting in Mom's room with Dad and Rae listening to Mom talk to Aunt Diane on the phone. The day consisted of getting her picc line, which she says feels much better than the iv she had, an x-ray to make sure the picc line went where it was supposed to go, and the a spinal tap this afternoon. She was a little out of it after the spinal tap because they gave her a sedative, which is always fun! Tonight she will start on a new chemo drug. The ones she has been on have only lasted 3 hours but tonights will last 24 hours. Right now she has to be flat on her back for 2 hours, and she is not liking that! Well that is the update for right now. I will try to update moe later otherwise you will hear from me tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for the prayers!