Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 92

Oh my what a day this has been. Mom has had a very rough day. She has been very confused and anxious this morning and did not want me to leave. They think that maybe it was too much pain medication so they have cut back on that. Her blood pressure has still been high and they are still working on getting that corrected. She has still been having some pain in her throat and mouth so she is still not eating or drinking. Today she spent the day in bed a sleep or when she was awake, very confused. I am really hoping that tomorrow will be better for all of that. My dad drove down tonight to see her and to spend a little time with her. I pray that he makes it home safely.

He did get a phone call while he was here and we have gotten an apartment for when she is released. What a blessing, now we don't have to worry about what to do. Well, that is all for tonight. I am sure that I have forgotten something about today but this was the main part. I know that she is looking forward to the weekend when Dad will be here. I miss my husband and can't wait to see him!

Love you all:)

Please pray for quick healing of her throat and mouth. It is so hard to see her in pain, scared and confused and I know it is so hard for Dad because he can't be here and he can't fix it.


jenny said...

I'm praying for her whenever she comes to mind. Bless you, Tammy! Hang in there.