This was the family on "transplant" day. How do you like the get ups? Let me tell you, they get hot and I can't stand to have that thing on my face!
Friday: unfortunately I don't remember what the whiteblood count was but it continued its uphill climb. That was about the only good news for Friday. Mom had a really bad day. It took her a long time to wake up and then she still wasn't really with me. She was supposed to go in for an MRI to check and make sure that everything was ok. Doctors don't think there is anything wrong but they just want to make sure. The MRI was scheduled for 4:30 pm and at 6:20 pm they finally postponed until Monday because one doctor said that she had a filter for her blood clot although I assured them that she did not. Anyway, it was postponed until later. Dad and my honey finally got there and I think that they were a little shocked at how bad Mom was doing. She wasn't waking up, couldn't really talk where you could understand her or make much sense. I have to say, I was ready for the break. Tonight my honey and I are staying at the apartment we have to stay in once Mom is released. Below are some pictures.
Looking into the living room from the front door/dining room area
Looking into the bedroom from the hall.
The bathroom
Saturday: Wow, it was so nice to get to sleep in a real bed!! The apartment is awesome and I think that Mom will be very comfortable there when she gets released. The grounds are really nice and it is quiet. After my honey and I bought some supplies for the apartment and ate some lunch, we headed over to the hospital for a short visit before heading home. Mom seemed better today than yesterday. She was drinking water off of a sponge and that is a HUGE step! Her speech is still slurred but she talked to me on the phone earlier in the day and made better sense and I could understand her for the most part. Her white blood count today was 1.8. UP, UP, UP! Hopefully we are on the upward swing.
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