Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 93

One week ago today we began the 100 days in H-town journey. I have to say, it seems like a lot longer than one week. It seems like a month or longer. Today has not been a really good day but it hasn't really been a bad day either I guess. We woke up about 7:45 or so and after waking up, mom was pretty out of it. Meaning, she has slept most of the day. She is sleeping because of the pain medication they have her on. She has excruciating pain from the throat sores so she has to keep on top of the self medication button. I think at first she was afraid to use it but I think she is getting over that. One thing that has really posed a problem today is her heart rate and blood pressure. Both have been elevated since the transplant and today more than usual I think. They are having to make all of her regular meds that they can liquid. They are having to find a blood pressure med that they can use that will not cause the heart rate to go up so they have had to do a lot of research today. I think that the combination of meds is making her a little anxious. Today I left for a few minutes while she was asleep to go to the restroom, when I came back she was awake and I could tell that she was upset. I ask her what was wrong and she said that she was anxious because she didn't know where I was. That hasn't been a problem until today. She has started her neupogen shots which increase your white blood count.

Everyone of the nurses have been wonderful but the young lady who has been with us yesterday and today is OUTSTANDING. She is so caring and patient and doesn't mind answering questions or concerns. It takes a very special person to be a nurse and she has the specialness.

Well, Mom got a surprise tonight. Dad and Rae came to visit her since she had been having such a tough week. Don't know if she will remember tomorrow! Rae and I went to eat at the Black Eyed Pea. It was yummy.

Thanks for all your prayers and notes. We love you all.