Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 95

Today has been a tough day for Mom. Her throat hurts, she has mouth sores and she hasn't been able to eat anything today. They put her on a pump that automatically gives her pain medication every 20 minutes and she has a button to push if she needs more. A side effect of the medicine is that it makes her drowsy. She has slept pretty much all day. Hopefully she will be able to sleep tonight.
She is down because she feels so bad, she misses my dad, and she is ready to go home. I wish there was something that I could do to help her. She ask me today what do you do when you can't eat and you are supposed to do? Of course I have no answer for her.
Please pray that this part of our journey is over quickly and that she starts to feel better quickly so that she can really kick it into overdrive on her M&M earnings!

I hope you all have a great week. Send a note or leave us a comment when you have a chance.


Mrs. H. said...

Bless her sweet heart. I am so sorry that today was so hard. Praying that tomorrow will be brighter.