Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 11

Oh, the joys of dealing with those who don't know how to read a clock or just can't stay on a schedule. This morning we were told that we would have a bone marrow aspiration at 9:00 am but they may be a little late getting there. We were also told that we would have photopheresis at 1:00. Well, let me tell you how the day went our 9:00 am appointment showed up at 3:00 pm. One of the nurses who came to do the aspiration told us that photopheresis had cancelled. Sure was nice that they let the patient know!!
Don't you just love it when they tell you that you have to build up your strength so you can get out and that you would have physical therapy every day. . . . . . .and PT doesn't show up. Can you say FRUSTRATING? I am so thankful that we are at such a good hospital but my goodness, are they trying to drive us all INSANE?????
Today, a urologist came to check on how things were going with Mom's bladder. Of course, he comes during the time that I am away from the hospital. Anyway, she is having a procedure tomorrow to see if they can't get the bleeding to stop. The procedure is sometime after 3:00 pm (no food or drink after midnight) and we know how well they stay on schedule!! Please say a prayer that this helps and that we can get her stronger so she can jump on her pony and get out of Dodge!!