Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 118

Here is the update from B.

Hope all is well for you today. We are having a good day. We haven’t gone to the evaluation for the hyperbaric chamber yet, it could happen today or tomorrow. This morning mom got to ride the hoyer lift to get into her wheelchair, it was interesting to see her dangling in the air! We went to music therapy and the went downstairs just to get out of the room. She stayed in her wheelchair for a little over an hour!! Her catheter is now being clamped in hopes that her bladder will start working again…keep fingers crossed and prayers going!! The urologist will come and see her this afternoon and check to see how things are going. We are also going to get a visit from psychiatry. They decided it would be a good idea for her to have someone to talk too since she has been in here so long(finally)!! Dr. DeLima was happy to see her in the wheelchair this morning!! Well that is all for now. Oh, she did get platelets this morning but her count was 24 so it stayed up but was still below 30. White count is 1.3,on the low side.


Unknown said...

Music therapy sounds just like just what she needs. It has an amazing way of uplifting the soul. It is good to read some happy news. Barbara and her entire group are in my daily thoughts and prayers.