Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 123 & 124

Saturday: not much to report today either. Mom had a visitor from church today. We are glad that our friends are able to come visit her.

Sunday: Walking into Mom's room was like taking a step back in time. Apparently one of the side effects of the hyperbaric treatment is confusion and extreme tiredness. The tiredness is one thing but the confusion is so very frustrating for Mom and for the person with her. She isn't sleeping well at night and the days start very early for her. Other things going on right now. . . .still not able to get up, unable to walk, not much appetite, and well, I guess that is all I can think of. The doc thinks that we may can go home in March (?) which will only be five months after she got here. Anyway, please continue to keep Mom and Dad in your prayers. We are all weary and feel like this has gone on forever. Who would have thought that the strongest woman I know would be having such an ordeal? Please keep sending your notes of encouragement because she needs to know that we ALL want her home.