Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 129

Well, we may be getting to move Mom closer to home. Real close actually. We may be moving her to an acute long term rehab place at home. The doc told her that he thought it would be good for her to be closer to family, home and friends. This will happen if they have room and the hospital will take her.
She seemed to have a good day. She didn't sleep well again last night but stayed awake most of the day. Our dear friends, the Owens came by to visit with her and Dad. Also all three of us girls and our husbands all went to visit her this afternoon. Before we left we sang her some church songs and she seemed to enjoy it. The nurses hid behind the door and listened to us too!
Well, that is all for tonight. I am pooped and ready to hit the sack. Night y'all.


Donna said...

Hi, Giggles,
This is great news! I pray that all the details will work out for your mom to move closer...