Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 135 ~ Thursday

Today has been a long day. Dad called me this morning around 11:20 to let me know that we would be heading to Houston because today was the day. We headed out around 1:00 pm. We were told that transportation would be there between 4 and 5. Then we were told that they would be there around 6. And they showed up at almost 8. Better late than never! As Mom and Dad and the transport people were making there way across the miles of MD Anderson, B and I were heading to our apartment to clean it up and turn in keys, etc. Bye bye apartment, it was nice meeting you. Then we ran by the grocery store and picked up a few things with the gift card that the church we rented the apartment from had given us. We were on the road by 9:30 pm and made it to BCS and Mom's new home by 11:25. We got Mom all settled in. What a wonderful to surprise to walk into her room and to see the welcome home sign, note and balloons from our church family. Thank you for the welcome. I walked in my door at 12:52 and am ready for bed. Oh, before Dad and I left, Mom said that it still didn't seem real that she was back in BCS!! WE ARE SO THANKFUL TO HAVE HER HOME!! Thanks for the prayers for this step. Now we just need to get her healthy! Night y'all.


Anonymous said...

I am SOOO happy she is back in BCS...I think this may really help lift her spirits and give her the 'boost' she needs to get all the way back home. You girls and Uncle Ray have been such troopers...Y'all amaze me. You have shown such strength and courage through out this. We will continue to pray for a complete recovery but we rejoice with you today for this victory!! Love you guys! Camille

Anonymous said...

We are all so THANKFUL for this day!!!!!!
Who would have ever dreamed (nightmare) a year ago the last 7 1/2 months would be what it has been. My sweet sister and her family have been through the toughest time anyone could ever imagine. I am so thankful for her loving husband, daughters, their spouses and grandkids for giving so much of their love and time to comfort and care for my fantastic sister. (physical and spiritual).

Thank you to Church family, extended family, and friends, for the love and encouragement you have given the "WHOLE" family.

I pray that today is the beginning of a healing and speedy recovery, and that we will have a JOYOUS Dowling Rd. homecoming before too long.

My love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Love you too Aunt Diane and Camille!