Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 13 - Field Trip Day!

Today was another L O N G day. The urologist came by early this morning and I had ask him to wake me when he did. Nearly scared me to death! I am sure I looked very frightened but I quickly recovered. He was still pleased with how the bladder was looking this morning. Another treatment for the bleeding bladder problem is going into a hyperbaric chamber. The treatment is everyday of the week and you are in the chamber for 2 hours. We went for a consult and evaluation and were told (thankfully) that the doctor does not recommend the treatment at this time. Finally. . . . .something goes our way!! This consult required an ambulance ride from MDA to Herman Memorial. At least we got out of the building!! That is all we have done today. Tomorrow will probably be dialysis again and hopefully some physical therapy (finally).


Mrs. H. said...

Thinking of y'all each day. :-)
A "field trip" - cute! Praying tomorrow is a good day for all.
Laurie :-)