Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 132

Update from B:
Well this has been a different kind of day. We didn't get much sleep last night, mom was very restless and finally settled down between 3-4. We had dialysis this morning but today we had it in her room because they are remodeling ICU. She had a hard time with her blood pressure dropping during dialysis so they didn't take off as much fluid as they wanted. Dr. deLima told us that we are pretty much just waiting on insurance to okay mom's move and then I guess the next move is making sure they have a bed for her. As of right now things are looking pretty promising but we still don't have a yes. She hasn't eaten much today because her stomach has been queasy since dialysis. We are working on it though dad. Well that's it for now except they are testing her thyroid to see if that may be part of the reason she is so tired.