Saturday, March 6, 2010


I had intended to post last night but I was too tired. If you would like to read about the funeral, you can go here. It was a beautiful service and Mom would have loved the congregational singing.
I can not adequately express to you the kind of woman my Mom was. She was beautiful in heart and spirit, kind and loving, patient and nurturing, put her family first, and so many other things. It was apparent how she touched other's lives by the number of people who attended her viewing and funeral. Even the funeral home people commented on how they hadn't seen that many people at both gatherings in a long time. I hope that as the days and weeks go on, I will be able to share with you what a Christian woman my Mom was. I hope that I can honor her with the way that I live my live. I have always wanted to make my parents proud and I hope that I can continue to.