Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our New Phantom Canyon

Well, our journey did not end as we had hoped it would and today we started a new journey, going from a family of five to a family of four (original numbers of course). This morning we went and made funeral arrangements, then on to lunch, picked out flowers (this was hard because Mom always did such beautiful work), out to the house to pick out clothes, preachers home to talk about service and then on to Grandmom's house. We have just gotten home and we are very tired. I will put funeral information on here before I close. Once again I cannot adequately express what your support has meant to our family. We are lucky to have such wonderful family and friends.

Funeral Info:
Viewing - Thursday 6 pm - 8 pm
Funeral - Friday 2 pm
Both will be at Cavitt Church of Christ 3200 Cavitt Ave in Bryan.
Callaway Jones funeral home is the funeral home we are using.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need.
You can always e-mail me at tls_giggles@yahoo.com