Friday, March 5, 2010


This may be short but I wanted to hit the highlights of today before I fall asleep in my chair and drop my computer.

D and I got to the funeral home later than we wanted too because he had problems with the powerpoint and then we got caught in traffic so we got there 30 minutes before the funeral was to start. At 30 minutes before the starting time, the church was already filled to capacity with people sitting in the classrooms and standing where they could find a place. Once again we were able to see the impact of how Mom lived her life on the people who came to pay their respect. The service was wonderful and honored a woman who lived a Christian life every day of her life. The congregational singing was beautiful and I can't wait to hear it again (we taped the service). For those of you who don't know my Mom, she had a beautiful voice and loved to sing. We sang as a family as much as possible. The weather was beautiful with a cool brisk wind blowing. Many people went to the cemetery with the family where we sang some more and then enjoyed some time visiting with those who were there. A meal was prepared and almost 100 people were there to eat. The meal was incredible and no one went home hungry. After the meal, we went to my Grandmother's house and visited with family some more and now we are home. I am going to close now. I am really very tired but I wanted to talk a little about today.
One thing I forgot about last night was something that shows what kind of teacher and coach my little sister is. Her softball team (who had played in a tournament that day) decided that they were going to give up their dinner so that they could get back into town early enough to go to the viewing. It was an experience to see all those girls lined up in their uniforms and knowing that it was because of my sister and the job she does with her students. Oh and another thing, my other sister had friends that made the 3+ hour trip to be there last night and then drive back home. Incredible right?
Several people have ask me if I am going to keep up the blog. For right now I am.

Some of you have ask if I would put the address on here for sending memorials.
Brazos Valley church of Christ
P.O. Box 12288
CS, TX 77842-12288