Saturday, March 27, 2010

Twenty five - Twenty six

I realized this morning that I forgot to post yesterday but there really wasn't much going on. Today on the other hand was busy at Mom and Dad's house. Today was the BIG EVENT - the largest, one day, student-run service project in the nation where students of TAMU come together to say "Thank You" to the residents of BCS. One of our friends suggested that we contact them to get help with yard work at Mom and Dad's house because it has been looking pretty rough lately. Well, this morning 5 girls and 1 boy from the Pre Med Society came out to work. I explained to them why we had requested help from their organization and told them that Mom would have been mortified to know that her yard looked so horrible. Although they were about 40 minutes late and only worked for about 2 hours, they got the front flower bed pretty much completely cleaned up and 98 percent of the thistle in the front yard taken care of. I worked on the back yard but I have a loooong way to go. I will probably be pulling thistle for the next couple of months! They found a snake (glad it wasn't me) and a baby turtle and they were pretty excited about that. The turtle not the snake. When they were done, we took some pictures. . .some of us, some with Bo (the bull), some with us and Dad on the '57. Very nice group of kids and they all left their phone numbers and said that they would come out anytime to help us finish up.
After they left, Dad and I headed out to the cemetery to do some work. We got Mom's grave cleared of the huge rocks and chunks of clay. It looks so much better. Then we worked on Raymond's grave. We had to clear some big rocks, move the pipe Mom and Dad had put in the ground where we put flowers. Then Dad hauled in some more dirt and now his grave looks much better. We will be glad when they move the huge pile of rocks away from our area so we can finish the clean up. Well, that is it for today. Missed Mom like crazy today but enjoyed spending time with Dad.