Sunday, March 14, 2010


The weather the last couple of days has been so beautiful. I really wish that Mom were here to see everything getting ready to bloom. Spring reminds me of her. She loved to work out in her yard and you could tell. It was always beautiful Right now it looks like no one cares. Hopefully I will be able to get some work done to it in the next couple of weeks.
We spent the day with Dad and Rae. It seems so odd just being the four of us instead of five. all in all it was a pretty good day. Church is still hard because I catch myself wondering when Mom will be back in her place in the chair in front of me. I miss her singing and the sweetness she always showed to our church family. Ha, who am I kidding? I just miss her so much I can hardly stand it. Will we ever get used to our new "normal"? Will it ever get easier? Will the huge, gaping hole in our hearts ever heal even just a little?
Enjoy the beautiful weather and tell your family you love them.